MACP Practicum Portal

Book an Appointment

Pre-practicum Support Session

Field training is pleased to offer pre-practicum support sessions for all students looking to submit practicum applications. If you have any questions or concerns around the pre-practicum process or submitting a practicum application, please click the link below to book a time with our practicum advisors. Timings offered will reflect availability for 2 weeks in advance only. Please ensure you have read the Student Practicum Manual and visited the MACP Practicum Portal prior to booking a meeting as these are incredibly valuable resources available to you.

*Please note this service is for students NOT currently in practicum. If you are a current practicum student (PSYC7113 or PSYC7203) please reach out to your assigned practicum coordinator for additional support.*

When booking a time with a Practicum Advisor, please specify in the ‘notes’ section your reason for booking the appointment and any accommodations that you may require for your appointment so that our applications team can prepare ahead of time to support you effectively.


For additional support, Field Training also hosts office hours twice a week.


Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:00 pm Atlantic Time (1:00 pm Eastern)

Thursdays 10:00 -11:00am Atlantic Time (9:00 am Eastern)

(All time zones welcome – just make note of the time in your area)

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