MACP Practicum Portal

Supervisor Information

Practicum Supervisor Requirements

The requirements for an individual to be approved as a site and/or external supervisor of MACP Practicum students have been changed.  The current requirements for practicum supervisors are listed below, beginning January 1, 2024. 

Minimum of Master’s Degree in a mental health counselling-related field.

  • If the Supervisor practices and/or supervises practicum students within the Province of Ontario, then the Supervisor must have five years extensive clinical counselling experience and must also meet the requirements for Clinical Supervisors in Ontario as outlined by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO).
  • If the Supervisor practices and/or supervises practicum students outside the Province of Ontario, then the Supervisor must have completed at least 4 years of post-graduate clinical counselling practice in one of the counselling professions.

Full professional licensure or registration.

At least one full year of post-graduate supervised counselling experience in one of the counselling professions, in addition to the post-graduate counselling experience required to become registered or licensed.

The supervisor can practice counselling independently.

Qualifying and/or Provisional status will NOT meet MACP supervisor requirements.

Documentation required from supervisor:

  • Current CV or Resume,
  • Copy of current professional registration, licensure, or certification

Application Process

There are 3 Application Processes

If you are a potential Site and/or Supervisor for an MACP student seeking to complete their practicum with your agency/organization, please review the following information and steps of the Practicum Application process. There are three (3) separate processes required by the MACP Program for a student’s practicum application to be considered for approval:
  1. The proposed Site must complete site information for the MACP Practicum Portal Site Locator (if not yet already done so-see more specific details below).
  2. The proposed Site Supervisor must complete the Supervisor Application (if not yet already done so-see more specific details below).
  3. The student must complete the Student Practicum Application.
Please read the specific details about each step in the overall Practicum Application Process outlined below.
  • Site Contacts and Supervisors – Should you have any questions, please contact the MACP Practicum Liaison directly at [email protected], after you have read the following information.
  • All practicums must be officially approved by the Department of Field Training the trimester prior to the student beginning practicum.
  • To receive best opportunity for approval of a practicum plan, ALL steps provided below must be successfully completed by the established practicum application deadlines.
Please note that regardless of previous education or supervisory experience, currently enrolled YU DCP or MACP students are not permitted to supervise other currently enrolled YU MACP students due to potential conflict of interest situations that may arise.

Steps for Sites, Supervisors, & Students

  • All potential practicum sites are required to be reviewed and approved by the MACP Practicum Liaison for viability as a practicum site and be listed on the Site Locator for a student’s practicum application to be considered.
  • If a potential Site is not already listed on the Practicum Portal Site Locator, the Site is required to complete the information form located on the Site Locator page of the Practicum Portal. NOTE: The student should not be completing this form for any site.
  • All potential site supervisors are required to have submitted the Supervisor Application form on the MACP Practicum Portal and undergo a review and approval by the MACP Practicum Liaison for a student’s practicum application to be considered.
  • If a potential Supervisor has not already completed the Supervisor Application, the student should provide the potential Supervisor with the link to the MACP Practicum Portal to complete the Supervisor Application. 

The URL to the Supervisor Application is:

NOTE: The student should not be completing the Supervisor Application form for any supervisor.

  • The Supervisor is required to also provide the following documentation at the time of completing the Supervisor Application:
    • Current CV or Resume.
    • Copy of professional registration, license or certification.
  • The MACP Practicum Liaison will directly email the potential Supervisor stating whether or not the individual has been approved, or not. NOTE: The review process typically takes some time before the Supervisor will receive an email.
  • The Supervisor should inform the student of the supervisor’s approval, or denial.
  • If a Supervisor is unsure their credentials meet qualification, then Supervisors can submit a Supervisor Application to have their credentials reviewed.
  • If a Supervisor has indicated they have already completed the Supervisor Application on the Practicum Portal, the Student should request directly from the Supervisor confirmation of approval or denial.
  • Students should inquire directly to the Supervisor about their approval status.

Once the student has confirmation from the Site and Supervisor that an application has been submitted (i.e., the Site application and the Supervisor application), then the student can complete the following steps: 

  1. Obtain the start date with your Site (remember the start date must be the first date of the University term you begin Practicum). The Academic Calendar lists the term start and end dates.
  2. Request the Site to provide you with a letter (or email) that includes the name of the site and contact information and verifies that you have been accepted as a practicum student at the site.
  3. If the designated representative for the Site and the Supervisor are not the same person, then the student sends the Site and Supervisor an email to confirm student’s acceptance at the site. This proves the student has been accepted by both. Use the downloadable email template (link here) to send to site and supervisor. Save a copy or screenshot of the confirmation email to submit as part of your Student Practicum Application.
  4. Then, complete and submit the Student Practicum Application. Attach copy of the confirmation email. Do not complete the application without the confirmations listed in steps above. The student will receive an Auto-Reply message when the application has been successfully submitted (this does not denote approval, just receipt of submission).
  5. For change of site. Review the process explained in the Student Practicum Application section.

Please be aware that the Practicum Liaison does not engage with students. If students have questions about the process, please review the recording of “Living the Practicum Life” in the Skills Learning Lab, attend the weekly drop-in zoom hours with the Practicum team, read the Student Practicum Manual or, as a last option, submit an MACP AskYU ticket. During the first or second week of each trimester, students will receive an e-mail announcement via the MACP Skills Learning Lab, containing information about how to attend the weekly drop-in zoom hours with the Pre-Practicum team.

The Practicum Liaison will not respond to student emails.

Practicum Guide for Supervisors

The Supervisors Practicum Guide provides all of the guidelines that sites and site supervisors will need to be informed for providing site and supervision for the MACP practicum students. Please refer directly to the Site Supervisor Guide for more information related to practicum start date and allocation of hours, site requirements, supervisor requirements, supervisor roles and responsibilities, required practicum activities, and relevant forms.

Roles & Responsibilities

By becoming a practicum supervisor for a Yorkville University MACP student, supervisors accept the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Accept professional responsibility for the practicum student.
  • Assign appropriate clients for the practicum student’s level of competency.
  • Collaborate and plan with the student on video recording of client sessions for the faculty instruction sessions for the Practicum course.
  • Provide direct observation and feedback for a minimum of 3 one-hour individual counselling sessions and provide feedback, with at least 1 direct observation taking place during the first trimester of practicum.
  • Provide feedback to instructor for a Formative Evaluation (during first trimester) and a Summative Evaluation (during second trimester) of the student’s progress at the end of each trimester. And, review the feedback with the student, and during a conference call with the student and faculty instructor.
  • Review the clinical skills of the student on a regular basis, providing at least 1 hour per week of direct face-to-face individual supervision.
  • Verify the practicum student’s practicum hours in SONIA.

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