MACP Practicum Portal

Supervisor Application

Yorkville University offers the Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MACP), which is designated in the province of New Brunswick and is delivered online.
Supervisor Application​ - Updated 2023

Basic Information

Do not use abbreviations. Please write out the province/state name in full.


Professional Association/Affiliation
Upon request, can you provide proof and copies of your provincial licensure or registration?
Professional Standing

Academic and Clinical Background

Do you posess at least one year of post-graduate supervised counselling experience in one of the counselling professions, in addition to the post-graduate counselling experience required to become registered or licensed?

Ontario Practitioners

Which regulatory college are you a registrant of?
Ontario Clinical Requirements
Have you completed 30 hours of directed learning in providing clinical supervision?
Please indicate your directed learning activities:
Select all that apply
Do you understand CRPO’s definitions of clinical supervision, clinical supervisor and the scope of practice of psychotherapy?

Supervisor Agreement

I acknowledge that I will not agree to provide supervision to practicum students in circumstances that may form a dual relationship with the supervisee as outlined in the Supervisor Practicum guide (i.e., where I am the practicum student's direct employment supervisor, friend, therapist/counsellor, teacher, etc.)
I am currently a Faculty Member in the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences at Yorkville University
I am currently a Student in the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences at Yorkville University
I agree to uphold the requirements and procedures outlined in the Supervisors Practicum Guide.
I understand that all potential supervisors are required to provide a copy of (1) current CV or Resume and (2) registration/certification/licensure document to be reviewed and approved by the Department of Field Training, even if they have provided it previously. Please email these items to our Practicum Liaison [email protected] in order to complete the application process.
Will you be providing Practicum Supervision in the province of Ontario?
I am a Member in good standing of a regulatory college whose members may practice psychotherapy
I possess at least five combined years of extensive clinical experience obtained during or after a degree(s) focused on psychotherapy. (Note: the five years of experience can be counted from the time you began working psychotherapeutically with clients. It is not dependent on when you graduated and/or became registered with a regulatory body: you can include experience prior to either of these events, if you were working psychotherapeutically during that time).
I meet the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)'s "independent practice" requirement (completion of 1000 direct client contact hours and 150 hours of clinical supervision).
I have completed 30 hours of directed learning in providing clinical supervision (I understand that directed learning can include course work, supervised practice as a clinical supervisor, individual/peer/group learning, and independent study that includes structured readings)
I thoroughly understand CRPO's definitions of clinical supervision, clinical supervisor, and the scope of practice of psychotherapy

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