MACP Practicum Portal

Practicum Course

Course Description

After successful completion of all academic coursework - during the final two trimesters of the MACP program - students will be enrolled in the 7113 & 7203 Practicum course if they have an officially approved practicum site.

This course is designed to support students during their practicum placement and enrich their learning experience. It also provides an opportunity to formally evaluate counselling competencies of students, ensuring that graduation from the MACP program signifies readiness to work effectively as an entry-to-practice level counsellor.

In 7113 & 7203, there will be a focus on integrating theory with practice; resolving ethical dilemmas; case conceptualization and planning; developing competencies in dealing with cultural issues; embracing diversity; working collaboratively across disciplines; accessing and maximizing the benefits of site supervision and developing a professional identity as a counsellor. 

Topics and resources will be closely connected to those previously introduced throughout the program to provide opportunities to synthesize and apply students’ learning. This approach will facilitate a deeper level of experiential learning and retention.

Each section of the 7113 & 7203 Practicum course will be led by a faculty instructor and have an assigned practicum coordinator to support students through the practicum process.

Practicum Course Section Schedules: Viewing and Sign-Up

Those students who have submitted Practicum Applications that have been received and/or approved by the Department of Field Training will engage in the next steps in the pre-trimester timeline: viewing Practicum Faculty Course Schedules, followed by engaging in the LIVE Practicum Course Section Sign-up. 

Only students with approved Practicum applications will be eligible to engage in the actual Practicum Course Sign-Up.

Students applying for Health Authority placement for 23W will also engage in the sign-up process even though their application review may still be in progress.

Viewing Period

23W Practicum Course Section Schedule-Viewing Period: Mon. November 7 – Sun. November 13, 2022

Click Here to Access the Practicum Course Section Schedules List

Preparation Steps

There will be numerous schedules to review, plan your time! Before Practicum Course Schedule Live Sign-up, engage in the following preparation steps!

Locate Practicum Course Schedule PDFs

  • Locate the Practicum Course Section Schedule PDFs on the MACP Practicum Portal. [On Portal homepage, click on Students in the upper toolbar; then click on Practicum Course; then scroll down the webpage and locate Section Sign-Up; next, click on Click Here to Access the Practicum Course Section Signup]
  • The 23W Course Schedule PDFs will not appear until the first day of the Viewing Period.
  • Read all instructions thoroughly and carefully!
  • Students in ALBERTA. Look for the * (asterick) designation next to the Instructor’s name.

During Course Section Schedule Viewing Period

The Live Zoom sessions (Consultation Seminars and Student Video Case Presentations) are required attendance to pass Practicum. Be sure to keep these requirements in mind as you review and discern the most appropriate Practicum Course Section schedule for your Practicum experience.

  • Review the Course Schedule PDFs.
  • Contact your Site Supervisor to discuss scheduling for your Practicum experience.
  • Inform the Site Supervisor of the required Live Zoom sessions for the Practicum course.
  • Discuss with your Site Supervisor your possible Practicum work schedule.
  • Note: Students are responsible to make sure that there is no conflict for attending the Live Zoom sessions for the Practicum Course and their practicum site schedule, employment schedule (if employed), childcare provider schedule, and life schedule (including religious holidays).
  • Write up a list of up to 8 Practicum Course Schedules, ranking in order of preference, that will work best for your 30-weeks of Practicum.
  • Students will choose and select ONE Practicum Course Section Schedule that will best fit their 30-weeks of Practicum.
  • Make plans ahead of time to have completed discussions with your Site Supervisor, written up a list of preferred 8 Course Schedules, and be ready to engage in the Course Schedule Sign-Up when it goes Live!

Sign-Up Period

23W Practicum Course Section Schedule-Sign-Up GOES LIVE: Mon November 14 @ 1pm Atlantic (goes LIVE) – Thur. November 17, 2022 @ 12pm Atlantic (Closes)


Practicum Course Section Schedule LIVE Sign-Up Process

This process moves very quickly! Most students sign up within the first 10 minutes.

  • This is a First Come, First Served sign-up process.
  • Remember that you will only be allowed to Sign-Up for ONE Practicum Course Schedule.
  • Once a Practicum Course Section reaches the max capacity (10 students), then that Course Section is closed and will no longer an option. If this happens, continue to move down your list of options in making your ONE Practicum Course schedule selection.

IMPORTANT – Tips to be Successful for Live Sign-Up:

  • Go to MACP Practicum Portal Homepage and log in
  • Make sure you clear your browser cache before viewing schedules and before the Live Sign Up.
  • Double-check that your Student ID is correct.
  • Be prepared before the sign-up period goes live.
  • Have your list of rank ordered possible Course Sections at your fingertips.
  • Be prepared to act quickly. Remember this is a first come, first serve process.

Remember the Field Training staff will not be able to intervene on the student’s behalf to ensure their preferred course section schedule is accommodated. The Department of Field Training’s timeline to prepare for Registration is short with hard deadlines! Any request to change a course schedule will need to be made with a solid rationale and not due to your lack of preparation.


Registration of a student in the 7113 & 7203 Practicum course is independently conducted by Student Services and is separate and unrelated to the practicum approval process conducted by the Department of Field Training. Typically, students receive their notice of course registration from Student Services four to six weeks prior to the official start date of each trimester. For trimester start dates, please refer to the Academic Calendar found under the Academic Info link on the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences page on the YU Campus homepage.

For questions about fees or payments, please contact the Bursar’s Office via AskYU.

Students can select their preferred Practicum Course Section on Monday, December 6th at 1pm AT.

Click Here to Access the Practicum Course Section Signup

Sign-ups will close on Thursday, December 9th at 9am AT. This is a hard timeline.

The sign-up process will be conducted on a first come, first served basis. Most students sign up within the first 10 minutes. Once a course reaches the max capacity, then that section will close as a sign-up option.

Here are some helpful tips that will make sure you are successful.

  • Please ensure that you have six choices that will work for you written down before the beginning of sign-up, as this will make the process go more smoothly for you.
  • Do not contact instructors listed on the sign-up section. They cannot enroll you into a section.
  • Please make sure that the seminar and faculty instruction times fit in your life schedule (including religious holidays). Please make arrangements with your child care provider, practicum site, and/or employer. These are mandatory sessions and cannot be missed.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Practicum Advisor.

Onsite & Course Components

The student’s comprehensive practicum experience will encompass both the onsite practicum experience and all academic coursework. Both components of 7113 & 7203 are interconnected and the success of the student in the practicum course is dependent on both the student’s onsite and course-related performance. It is the faculty instructor who determines and assigns the final course grade of pass or fail during the formative and summative evaluation process.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • Integrate theory, research literature, and practice in case conceptualization, planning, and counselling interventions;
  • Choose an appropriate course of action and apply sound ethical decision-making strategies to resolve ethical dilemmas;
  • Demonstrate an acceptable level of proficiency in basic interviewing and counselling skills;
  • Reconstruct the counselling process for one or more counselling clients using case notes and audio/video tapes;
  • Self-evaluate level of counselling competency with various client populations within your scope of practice;
  • Formulate self-directed learning goals and strategies for ongoing professional development, based on analysis of appropriate self-assessment;
  • Summarize counselling process and client progress in the capstone project to demonstrate proficiency to function as an entry-level counsellor in the field;
  • Engage in ongoing development of culturally and ethically sensitive competencies in clinical practices;
  • Demonstrate professional relations with colleagues, faculty instructors, and site supervisors;
  • Integrate constructive feedback into written work;
  • Explain how experiences/feedback/readings contribute to changes in counselling interactions

7113 (starting in 21F term) Onsite & Academic Components to be Evaluated

Graded Item
% of Final Grade
Due Date
Reflective Journal #1


Sunday, Week 2
Reflective Journal #2


Sunday, Week 11
Consultation Seminars

Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12

Date & Time: Faculty Instructor’s Course Schedule

Seminar Student Video Case Presentation #1


Week 9

Date & Time: Faculty Instructor’s Course Schedule

Consultation Seminar Attendance & Participation


Sunday, Week 15

Case Conceptualization Paper

Sunday, Week 15

Faculty Instructor Formative Evaluation

Weeks 13 & 14


7203 (starting in 22W term) Onsite & Academic Components to be Evaluated

Graded Item
% of Final Grade
Due Date
Reflective Journal #1


Sunday, Week 6

Reflective Journal #2


Sunday, Week 12

Consultation Seminars

Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15

Date & Time: Faculty Instructor’s Course Schedule

Seminar Student Video Case Presentation #1


Week 11:

Date & Time: Faculty Instructor’s Course Schedule

Consultation Seminar Attendance & Participation


Sunday, Week 15

Capstone Project


Sunday, Week 15

Faculty Instructor Summative Evaluation


Weeks 14 & 15


7113 Onsite & Academic Components to be Evaluated (starting 23W term)

Graded Item

% of Final Grade

Due Date

Consultation Seminars


Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14

Date & Time: Practicum Instructor’s Course Schedule

Reflective Journal #1


Sunday, Week 2

Student Video Case Presentation #1


Week 9

Date & Time: Practicum Instructor’s Course Schedule

Reflective Journal #2


Sunday, Week 11

Faculty Instructor Formative Evaluation


Weeks 13 & 14

Date & Time: Practicum Instructor’s Schedule

Case Conceptualization Paper


Sunday, Week 15

Consultation Seminar Attendance & Participation


Sunday, Week 15

Confirmation of Practicum Hours

At the end of each trimester your site supervisor will be required to approve your practicum hours in Time2Track. Hours can be sent to your site supervisor for approval at any point during practicum, however all hours must be approved at the end of each trimester. At the end of your practicum you and your site supervisor will be required to sign a summary form of all hours approved during your practicum in addition to approving all of your hours submitted in Time2Track.

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